
Roadmap to React.Js

PR Things

Roadmap to React.Js Learn From Scratch

Roadmap to Learn React.js:

1. Introduction to React.js

- What is React.js?
- Virtual DOM and its benefits
- JSX syntax

2. Setting Up the Development Environment

- Node.js and npm installation
- Create React App
- Project structure

3. Components and Props

- Functional components
- Class components
- Props and PropTypes

4. State and Lifecycle

- Component state
- Lifecycle methods
- Updating and unmounting

5. Handling Events

- Event handling in React
- Synthetic events
- Binding methods

6. Conditional Rendering

- If-else conditions
- Ternary operators
- Logical && operator

7. Lists and Keys

- Rendering lists
- Adding keys for optimization
- Using map() function

8. Forms and Controlled Components

- Form handling in React
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled components
- Form validation

9. State Management with Redux (Optional)

- Redux concepts: store, actions, reducers
- Connecting React with Redux
- Async actions with middleware

10. Routing with React Router (Optional)

- Setting up React Router
- Creating routes and navigation
- Route parameters and query strings

11. Styling and CSS-in-JS

- Styling approaches in React
- CSS modules
- Styled-components

12. API Integration

- Making API requests with Axios or Fetch
- Handling responses and errors
- Asynchronous data fetching

13. Context API (Alternative to Redux)

- Global state management with Context API
- Creating contexts and providers
- Consuming context in components

14. Hooks

- useState, useEffect, and more
- Custom hooks
- Rules of hooks

15. Optimization and Performance

- Memoization and useCallback
- PureComponent and React.memo
- Performance profiling

16. Testing React Applications

- Unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library
- Testing components and interactions

17. Deployment

- Building for production
- Deployment options (e.g., Netlify, Vercel)

5 Projects to Add to Your Resume:

1. To-Do List App
2. E-commerce Product Catalog
3. Weather App
4. Blog Platform

5. GitHub Repository Viewer⁠

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